- Left-handed compliment
- амер. Сомнительный комплимент
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
left-handed compliment — A compliment that is indirect, ambiguous or insincere ● compliment * * * ˌleft handed ˈcompliment idiom (NAmE) = ↑backhanded compliment Main entry: ↑left handedidiom … Useful english dictionary
left-handed\ compliment — • left handed compliment • pay one a left handed compliment An ambiguous compliment which is interpretable as an offense. I didn t know you could look so pretty! is that a wig you re wearing? … Словарь американских идиом
left-handed compliment — A left handed compliment is one that sounds like praise but has an insulting meaning. ( Backhanded compliment is an alternative form.) … The small dictionary of idiomes
left-handed compliment — A left handed compliment is one that sounds like praise but has an insulting meaning. ( Backhanded compliment is an alternative form.) (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
left-handed compliment — an ambiguous compliment interpreted as offensive He gave her a left handed compliment when he said that her dyed hair looked nice … Idioms and examples
left-handed compliment — Compliment capable of being interpreted as insult … A concise dictionary of English slang
pay\ one\ a\ left-handed\ compliment — • left handed compliment • pay one a left handed compliment An ambiguous compliment which is interpretable as an offense. I didn t know you could look so pretty! is that a wig you re wearing? … Словарь американских идиом
left-handed compliment — An ambiguous compliment which is interpretable as an offense. * /I didn t know you could look so pretty! Is that a wig you re wearing?/ … Dictionary of American idioms
left-handed compliment — An ambiguous compliment which is interpretable as an offense. * /I didn t know you could look so pretty! Is that a wig you re wearing?/ … Dictionary of American idioms
pay one a left-handed compliment — See: LEFT HANDED COMPLIMENT … Dictionary of American idioms
pay one a left-handed compliment — See: LEFT HANDED COMPLIMENT … Dictionary of American idioms